Thursday, August 18, 2011

Over Population

Lets talk about world over population. First let's go to the bible and read a scripture that will help keep us focused:

Isaiah 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it, he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited; I am the LORD; and there is none else.

Keep this verse in mind at all times. We either believe what God said or we believe what man is saying. You can not have both.

We are told the earth is over populated. The children are indoctrinated in most every school with the over population theory. Not truth, just a theory. We are told there are now seven billion people on earth and that there is not enough food and water for every one.

Their answer is to depopulate the earth. They want to eliminate the population to 90 %.
They never volunteer to be first to help depopulate the earth. They want you to be first to die. Since no one is volunteering they are going to help us be first without us having a say in whether we want to die or stay on earth.

Years ago when I read Matthew 24: 21-22 I wondered how this great tribulation would take place. Now the puzzle is falling in place. Verse 22 tells us, that except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:. Read it all to understand these two verses.

NO flesh should be saved. WOW, what a prophecy yet to be fulfilled. What could possibly happen that NO flesh should be saved? I can think of a few things that are taking millions of peoples' lives.

Famines, wars, pestilences and earthquakes are just a few things that are killing millions of people. This is also in Matthew 24.

Back to over population. There is no way you could over populate the earth, not according to the word of God. Remember Isaiah 45:18?

Use your search engine and ask it how many square miles are in the state of Texas. Take it from there and you will see that all seven billion people could fit easily in Texas. A family of four could have about three acres to live on. There is plenty of water also.

There are lots of places that could hold the world's population -- leaving the rest of the world to raise food and meet the needs of the seven billion people.

Do the math, read the bible, and do not fear what we are being told. There is nothing to back up over population. The "elite" want the whole world for themselves. We, the poor people of the world, are not included in their plans.

Pray and ask God to help us overcome. Tell your children not to be afraid but to trust God. We will see lots of bad things happen before all prophecy is fulfilled but if we are close to God it will be easier for us. Somehow God will help us. For those who do not know God, it will be horrible for them. We the Christians are not exempt from the tribulation that is coming.

Hold on to God.


Lady Anne said...

I'm not sure where you get your information, and since this article is two years old, you may not be aware of the situation in Texas. We have been in a drought situation for many years. Vast parts of Texas are, indeed, uninhabited - BECAUSE they are uninhabitable. Dry scrub land, totally unfit for man nor beast, and what water there is to be found is so alkaline it is undrinkable. Perhaps a bit of research might help you find a better location. Sub-Sahara comes to mind. THAT is what happens where an area is over-populated.

Unknown said...

I choose to believe the word of God. I know because of humans much of the earth is being destroyed. Yes, there are much of Texas and other states where humans cannot live.

God told us , he created the earth to be inhabited.