Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Part 3 What IsTruth/What Is A Lie

We ended up in Fort Wayne Indiana on a construction job for Jim. While there one night a young lady came to our apartment door. She ask if I would be interested in a bible study. I laughed and told her I had been asking God to send someone to me so I could learn more about him.

My oldest grand son and I went to this first bible study at a house with people we knew nothing about. They were all friendly people so we stayed. I do not know where this came from but I told the people if they used any other bible other that the King James bible we would have to leave. I was assured the KJV was used there.

My mother always used the KJV but at that time I did not know about the false bible versions. So it had to be God speaking to me to say this. I did not hear his voice it was something I had to say.

The bible studies went well and I went to many. I was assign to three women to guide me through the bible. We did not start at the first of the bible we skipped all over it. Later I saw why they were doing this.

I started going every Sunday with a couple and their kids to Chicago to church. The church was called the New Boston Church of Christ. I knew nothing about the church

Later I found out the church was a cult. I have tons of information on that church today in case anyone needs to know about it.

God protected me while I was there. I learned first hand about control and I did not like it at all. Here was the first of learning about truth verses lies. This learning would follow Me where ever I went no matter what church we were in.

I had a hunger for the word of God. Such a hunger that when I was convicted of my sins in one of the bible studies I cried out to God to save my lost soul. I shook these three women up to the point one of the women was RE baptized.Like being baptized saves ones soul.

I was baptized later in September. Jim and I came home for the winter months. I found out that winter that I was in a cult. I never went back.

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