Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Can you be deceived?

The thought came into my mind today about how many "Christian" people actually read the bible cover to cover.

We try to read or listen to the bible at least two hours a day. We can go through the bible about 10 to 11 times a year doing this.

We do not try to see how many times we can go through the bible to brag about how many times we go through it but in order to learn we continue to go through it. I mean from cover to cover each time.

I think about the times when a preacher some where would tell me, " I never heard about that before". The flags would fly as I began to see that not all preachers had read or studied the bible cover to cover.

I began to see over the last 20 years that a few preachers were preaching ONLY what they had been taught in a seminary. This became some what disturbing to me because I knew for a fact that many of the "pew sitters" had never read the bible at all.

The "pew sitters" would carry a bible back and forth to make one think they were in the bible but actually it was all for show. I can say this because of my own family members who do this even today.

A woman told me one time that her husband never read the bible yet he claimed to be a Christian. Thank you Jesus for giving us permission to look at the fruits of a person. This is the way we can tell IF a person is who they say they are or not.

Be on guard if you are still in a apostate church. If you are in the bible then soon you will come out of the false church. Jesus said, "come out of her MY people". A true Christian will not sit under any lie that comes from a pulpit or from a Sunday school class.

It will always be a concern for people who have not read their bible. I know for a fact that that person will be deceived by some one.

Let me again encourage you to please start reading the bible. I am sure that you do not want to be lied to. The only way to know if you are being lied to is by reading your bible every day.
There is SO much in the bible you will never know it all but I promise you that you will learn enough that you can tell IF you are being lied to.

If you catch the preacher or teacher in a lie approach them with the truth from what you have read. You may get the surprise of your life as you may be asked to leave the church as I was. I was told to either stop teaching what I was teaching or leave. I chose to leave.

I think millions of people are making the same choice that I made, which was to come out of the apostate church. They, like me, will never been sorry for the choice they will make.

Read your bible and ask God to teach you. He will as he has taught me.

Sharing Truths,


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